I'm working on some music streaming on a Debian system (currently Sarge, 
but will be updated soon) with Slimserver.  I like being able to stream 
all the music on my hard drive and Internet radio stations to wifi 
devices around my home.  The one thing I miss is local radio.

I'd like to find a receiver that I can use from Debian through either 
USB or PCI.  It needs to be easily tunable and to produce an audio 
stream I can tell Slimserver is an Internet radio stream.  I can deal 
with FM only, but would like AM/FM.  Of course it needs to work with 

I looked at the RadioShark, which is easy to use and to tune and the 
reviewers that liked it loved it, but about half the reviews cited 
extremely poor reception, so I don't want to try that since I figure 
the chances are only 50/50 it'll receive the stations I want to get.  
(If it weren't for the reception issue, it'd be exactly what I'm 
looking for.)  For now, I have a radio that is separate from the 
computer and connected through my Soundblaster's input, but I have no 
way of tuning it from the computer or from a remotely connected 
computer.  It has to be tuned by hand while I'm in that location.

Is anyone using any kind of radio receiver connected to their computer?  
Does anyone have suggestions for this?



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