[This message has also been posted to linux.debian.user.]
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Baron wrote:
> Can also be the power supply! I had to (temporarily) disconnect one of the CD 
> drives to reduce the load. Not a single WD click-clack or DMA timeout since.

Second that.  I had a customer whose system would reboot if you set a
coffee mug down hard on the table next to it.  Hard drives see
vibration as something their servos need to correct.  It's
a little like noise cancelling headphones.  You can measure
small current pulses into a hard drive if you tap hard on the case.

Replacing his generic Chinese "300 watt" supply with a name
brand "250 watt" supply solved the problem.  I've seen generic
"400 watt" supplies that couldn't deliver 150 watts of
regulated DC.


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