Lorenzo Bettini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi
> I'd like to capture some audio stream from a web radio.  I know about
> streamripper, but it does not work for real audio.  And in particular,
> if possible, I'd like to record what is being played, without knowing
> the address of the real audio file (which I actually don't know: bbc
> radio just starts the real player plugin in the web page).
> any clue please?
> thanks in advance
>       Lorenzo
> -- 

This is pretty easy if you have either mplayer or audacity installed.
If you happen to be playing from BBC 7 it is particularly easy, and all
you have to do is right click on the listen link and save the ram file
to your drive.  Then you just read it as it is plain text, and inside
you will find something like:


All you need is the stuff up to and including ".ra" which we can use in
an mplayer command as follows:

mplayer rtsp://rmv8.bbc.net.uk/bbc7/0930_sun.ra -vo null -vc null -ao

That will then stream the content live and record it directly to the
hard drive as a wav file.

If you are using some other bbc site, such as BBC 4, then you just left
click on the listen button, which will pop up a new window with a
built-in player.  On the left side is a link for "Play in standalone
Real player" or some such.  Right click on this and save the resulting
ram or rm file and continue just as above.  The BBC radio sites other
than BBC 7 just have a built in litle player window of some kind
abstracting away the ram file, but it is still available in that link.

BTW, if all of that fails for some reason then you can always open
audacity (before the audio player to make sure your sound card is
available for recording), adjust your input to volume and set the volume
levels.  Then you can open the browser and start the player, and begin
the recording in audacity.  This will record the stream as a wav as
well, though if your signal drops out you will have to clean up any
silent patches in the file.  The mplayer way is much, much better as it
will automatically correct any failures in the feed and so the resulting
file will have no blank patches in it, so I really would recommend that
way first.

Hope this helps,


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