On 2007-08-21 17:50:53 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > vin:~> bash
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ touch exists
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ [ ! -a exists ] || echo found
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /usr/bin/[ ! -a exists ] || echo found
> > found
> You are running afoul of -a ambiguity.  Stop that.  Do you mean AND
> such as -a intends?

I didn't mean any specific behavior. I just noted that /usr/bin/[
and [ bash builtin are not compatible.

> Use -e if you want to test for simple file existence.

Of course, but I also have to live with scripts (not written by me)
that use '-a' (and of course, I cannot really in advance if '-a' is
used or not). That's the real world. :(

Now, what about the following test, which does not test file existence?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ [ true -a \( ! -a \) ] && echo OK
bash: [: `)' expected, found ]
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /usr/bin/[ true -a \( ! -a \) ] && echo OK

This is unspecified by POSIX, but test(1) has its own documentation.
If you prefer, the bash builtin breaks the compatibility with test(1)
even if it is non-standard.

> > Are you sure that
> > 
> >   [ "$foo" = "" ]
> > 
> > isn't POSIX sh? IMHO, it is perfectly valid (note: the quotes are
> > important).
> POSIX defines this okay but as I was noting the traditional use was to
> use the X to prevent the old test from parsing it as an option.  In
> the traditional environment this was not protected by the new POSIX
> requirement to count the number of program arguments provided.

OK, I now understand. I read somewhere else that the cause was empty
strings. Even in a POSIX environment, there's still a problem if $foo
is '!' (if I'm not mistaken, this is an "unspecified results" case).

> I still prefer to use -z and -n instead.


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