Steven R. wrote:
On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 04:03:05PM -0700, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
So what's the right way to do this? I hacked one together the other

IFS=$'\t\n'; for i in `find . -iname \*m4a`; do faad... blah blah blah

and I knew it was a hack because setting $IFS just seems
bad... possible unintended consquences, but it worked.

I have seen something like the following:

find | while read FILE;
        do echo "$FILE"

I missed the original postings (on vacation;). But, regarding IFS, a couple of notes:

1. In "The UNIX Programming Environment", Kernighan and Pike, this variable is used without any caveats, in several of the example scripts.

  2.  In all cases, the idiom used is:

         IFS='....' # whatever you need for your particular problem.
         ...        # your code
         ...        # any other processing that needs to be done

This guarantees that the original value, whatever it is, is restored and used for "normal" processing.

Bob McGowan

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