On Thu, 9 Aug 2007, Adam Hardy wrote:

Jeff D on 08/08/07 00:34, wrote:
On Tue, 7 Aug 2007, Adam Hardy wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 06/08/07 21:04, wrote:
My server isengard runs dnsmasq to provide the dhcp clients. However it
doesn't recognise any internal network domain name:

isengard:~# hostname
isengard:~# hostname --fqdn
hostname: Unknown host
isengard:~# nslookup gondor

** server can't find gondor: NXDOMAIN

I worked out the domain name should go into /etc/resolv.conf (
http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/NET3-4-HOWTO-5.html ) but then it seems that
this is under the control of something else.

The domain name should go into /etc/resolv.conf
You also have to assign the first nameserver to be _your_ nameserver and not your ISP's.

# cat /etc/resolv.conf
search isengard.net
nameserver ...
nameserver ...

Something is rewriting my resolv.conf at least every minute. I suspected it must be dnsmasq attempting to do the DNS but I just stopped dnsmasq, and yet resolv.conf is still being updated. I had a look over my ps output but dont see anything that could be controlling resolv.conf.

This is the only entry in it:


which is the British Telecom DNS.

Do you have the resolvconf package installed?

No. That looks like a culprit, but no. Not installed.

Checking out the dhclient3 and dhclient.conf man pages, it makes no reference to resolv.conf but it does claim to be able to do dynamic DNS updates.

I would have to try disabling the dhclient3 NIC to test if it is this program rewriting resolv.conf, but i have to wait until the others using the net have finished.

How exactly would I set the domain name on the machine - the name I thought I'd chosen when setting up the system from CD?

At the moment on this machine when I run 'hostname --domain' it returns nothing.


to set the domain name, add it into /etc/hosts, for example:       localhost       mybox.mynet.net        mybox

in /etc/hostname :

at start up /etc/init.d/hostname.sh runs, parses these and comes up the domain name.

to turn off dhcp provided /etc/host info, edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf, there is a line that starts with request. Remove domain-name-servers from that list and dhcp wont supply it. If you read down further, you can supply your own through the option variables.

for more dhcpclient goodness  man dhclient.conf


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