
This thread ain't over yet. Apart from using ~/bin (as Andrei Popescu
suggested) I noticed that adding 'export PATH=$HOME/scripts:$PATH'
to the end of ~/.bash_profile, the newly added dir is not available in
any new session I open. However, when I open a new bash window,
the new dir is available. Something like this:

Bash Win1
  - Session 1: ~/scripts   YES
  - Session 2: ~/scripts    NO
  - Session X: ~/scripts    NO

Bash Win2:
  - Session 1: ~/scripts   YES
  - Session 2: ~/scripts    NO
  - Session X: ~/scripts    NO


So just to try, I've put 'export PATH=$HOME/scripts:$PATH' in
/etc/profile but that didn't make any difference. Then I placed it
in ~/.bashrc and yep! ~/scripts available in every session.

Is this default behavior or don't I just understand it?


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