Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
On Sun, Jul 29, 2007 at 10:51:14PM +0300, Andrei Popescu wrote:
On Sat, Jul 28, 2007 at 09:44:28PM -0400, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
I'm on dialup and often access the internet via a slow computer by
sshing into my fast computer (which has the modem).

Right now, if I want to download something like an iso file via ftp
(there being no rsync mirror available), I put the url in a file, e.g.
No torrents either?

No.  For my current download, I found a mirror that also offers rsync
(although it doesn't advertise it).  However, lots of things are
available via FTP that aren't available any other way.

3.      It would be nice to have a curses interface like mc that lets me
browse to the correct file, then tag the file for downloading which puts
it into the above queue.
AFAIK mc can do ftp. I didn't use it much, but it might do most of what you need.

mc  can't resume; it only wants to overwrite, append, or cancel.


There is, in addition to the 'ncftp' package, an 'ncftp2', described as an older version, but with an ncurses interface. If it supports the same r similar feature set as ncftp, then it should be able to resume, etc.

I use ncftp, so am not familiar with ncftp2, I just know it exists.

Bob McGowan

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