Le Friday 27 July 2007 14:06:08 koffiejunkie, vous avez écrit :
> Hi guys,
> Is anyone using bindgraph on Etch?  I have it installed (from the Debian
> repos) on two Etch boxes.  Took some fiddling, since the default install
> of bind doesn't log queries, but that sorted, I now have the daemon
> making the rrd file, but the bindgraph.cgi doesn't seem to work
> correctly.  It loads the page, but no images.
> It does the same thing on both machines.   Has anyone else had trouble
> with this?  From what I can see the code is very similar to with
> mailgraph.cgi and queuegraph.cgi and they both work fine.
> Is there a way to do a trace/debug of a cgi script?  It's not logging
> anything at all.
> Thanks

Strange !
I just installed it today, and I found what is the problem.
It is not compatible with rrdtool 1.2.
I found it trying to display directly the image (look in the HTMl source).
RRD says it doesn't understand the data format...

I backported the testing/unstable version 0.2a.
I saw this bug in BTS which was corrected.

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