On Sun, Jul 22, 2007 at 03:10:30PM -0600, Telly Williams wrote:
> Hi,
>       What concept am I missing?
>       If I have my laptop connected to the computer through an
>ethernet, if I switch it to a USB port, how do I have the OS pick it

look in /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog for entries about the
interface at the time it gets plugged in. The best way to do this is
start a terminal and become root. Then do

tail -f /var/log/syslog

then while that is running, plug in the network device. Watch the
terminal and it should output information about the device as the udev
system detects and configures it. Then use that info to build a
/etc/network/interfaces entry for it.

> It seems that I 
> have to have the computer installed with whatever interface that I
>plan to use.  Am I making any sense?

yes, you are making sense, but you do not have to install with
whatever interface you plan to use. You merely have to determine which
device it is and configure your networking to use it.


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