On 7/22/07, Telly Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

       I saw this computer sitting in my friend's mom's house and asked to
fix it for her (it didn't run at
all).  I didn't anticipate the problems that I would face, mostly because
I didn't know then what I now k

Apologies about that last message. it just went out on gmail without my
ability to edit or add any new content. OOPS

I might be branded a heretic for this, but you might want to check out
Absolute Linux for something like that. It's slack-based, but is optimized
(I guess) for smaller, less-capabie machines. No kde/gnome (I guess you
could add it) but uses rox-filer & icewm. I haven't really seen it though.

Actually, a good thing to do on machines like that is upgrade the RAM -
because many distros these days won't even install on a machine with less
than maybe 256 megs of RAM. A lot want >64 megs of RAM.

Of course, there's Damn Small Linux/ Puppy, those are small footprint
distributions. I've tried both and Puppy is much more usable, IMHO.

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