Florian Kulzer wrote:
On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 15:59:12 -0500, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

When you install the debian logo package you get added boot logo's

You can edit these with ImageMagick.

But when you edit one of these with ImageMagick it generates a type 6 file (first line: P6) which the kernel compile does not recognize, it wants a P3 file.

I could swear I once fixed this with *rawtoppm* but I cannot find that now.

Anybody edited Debian Logo files?

I never did that, but I know that you can convert a "P6" .ppm (24 bpp,
binary) to a "P3" .ppm (24 bpp, ASCII) with imagemagick's "convert"

convert -compress none old.ppm new.ppm

I assume that the "-compress none" option can also be used with other
imagemagick commands that produce PPM files.

Florian: Thanks for taking the time out to answer.
convert -compress none logo_linux_debian_changed.ppm logo_linux_debian_converted.ppm
That converts it!

But I am at this moment recompiling the Debian kernel with the P6 logo and I seem to remember that the compile ends with an error message that indicates how to convert it.

Funny, I record everything I do in a special blog and this trick escaped me...

Stand by.


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