On Thu, July 24 at  2:09 PM EDT
Richard Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I managed to eliminate the graphic login by unlinking the k, x, and g 
>desktops in /etc/rc2.d.  That did what I expected, and allowed me to 
>login at the terminal.  But 'shutdown now' seems to only partly shut 
>down, leaving me with a 'Enter root password... or ctl-D for...' 
>message.  Is it okay to power down from that state?  Sorry if that is 
>a dumb question, but I'm new to debian.

Did you "unlink" the K as well as the S links?  The K links would be the
ones killing the processes.  I would log in as root again, manually kill
them, then shutdown -h now or shutdown -r now.  Hopefully they won't
restart on boot and you won't have that problem again.  I think a
preferred way is to rename the gdm to gdm.old in /etc/inittab and then 
#update-rc.d gdm remove
Likewise for the others.

Shawn Lamson

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