On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 12:09:22PM -0800, Ken Irving wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 12:33:34PM -0700, David Brodbeck wrote:
> > rm is like a table saw.  rm with the "-f" switch is like a table saw with 
> > the blade guard removed.  Sometimes you have to use it that way, but you'd 
> > better be extra-careful or you'll cut your fingers off. :)
> There's a very useful feature of bash that can also help a little bit 
> when doing this sort of thing, unfortunately (IMHO) not the default,
> where such dangerous commands can at least be kept out of the command
> history buffer by preceding the command with a space.  From bash(1):
>     If  set to a value of ignorespace, lines which begin with a space char-
>     acter are not entered on the history  list.   If  set  to  a  value  of
>     ...
> If you use the command history a lot (e.g., with the arrow keys or ^R),
> having commands like that lurking in the history is, well, like having that
> un-guarded table saw sitting there ready to accidentally cut again. Or
> something...

nice. thanks


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