tejas wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Sam Leon yazmış:
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
tejas wrote:
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Firefox in Windows is faster than Iceweasel/Firefox in Debian and
Ubuntu. Firefox in Windows is faster than Swiftfox in Debian/Ubuntu.
Firefox in Zenwalk is faster than Iceweasel/Firefox/Swiftfox in
Debian.(may be it is because of Zenwalk's low mem usage). Opera in
Debian is faster than Iceweasel/Firefox/Swiftfox in Debian. Opera in
Windows is fastest!

*Why?* Please clarify!

I doubt that the reasons can be given unless they are very obvious.
This whole question of "faster" depends so much on feelings and
specific applications/sites.

I know opera in Debian is faster on my two-seater than iceweasel. But
that is when it reads my wordpress blog. But in most other sites the
advertisements get in the way and then it is slower again.


It's not about page's render time. Menus, scrolling, start up, and even
closing. Evertythin is slow.

I think it is a common complaint that FF in linux starts up slower than
in windows.  Took me awhile to get used to it.

Believe me, it's not only startup. It eats a lot of cpu while using it.

Yea I know.


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