
I have a little perl script I made a while ago, takes the path of your
logfile and, optionally an output file to write to; as command line
arguments. Anyway, thought you might like to tinker with it, as you might be
able to alter it for your specific needs.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#$LOGFILE = "/var/log/apache2/access.log";  #uncomment this line is you have
standard apache2 logging
open(LOGFILE, '<', $ARGV[0]) or die("Could not open log file.");
open(OUT, '>', $ARGV[1]) or die "Error: $!\n";
foreach $line (<LOGFILE>) {
   $w = "(.+?)";
   $line =~ m/^$w $w $w \[$w:$w $w\] "$w $w $w" $w $w (.+)/;

   $site     = $1;
   $logName  = $2;
   $fullName = $3;
   $date     = $4;
   $time     = $5;
   $gmt      = $6;
   $req      = $7;
   $file     = $8;
   $proto    = $9;
   $status   = $10;
   $length   = $11;
       $ident = $12;

       %log =


       print "\n$log{ip} , $log{date} , $log{time} , $log{request} ,
$log{file} \n\n $log{ident}\n";
       print OUT "$log{ip}\n"; # this is where it decides what to print to
the optional logfile, you may want
                                            # to add $log{request} to show
what they downloaded.


lol, very painfully written, as you can see.. but it works!

On 7/8/07, KS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Orestes leal wrote:
> In A Hurry, something more complex like this:
> cat /usr/local/apache2/logs/access_log  | awk '{ print $1,$3,$4,$5,$7}'
> Later convert the output to HTML and put it in the web directory, so
> this is very basic but works for me.

That should work fine till a log rotate happens and you download counts
and other data will reinitialize. You will need some cache mechanism or
a temporary file to append your results and use that for HTML generation.

Take a look at awstats and Analog Stats while you are exploring Webalizer.


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Description: Perl program

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