I replaced a dead router the other day with a new Belkin F5D7230-4 wireless/4-port unit.

When networking starts on my Etch box, /etc/resolv.conf gets rewritten like so:

search hydroplatenet

Web browsing (and other name-dependent Intarweb Pipes stuff) is very slow with these settings, but if I comment/remove the first nameserver line, which is the address of the Belkin router, things are fine.

I found a couple of other people with similar problems (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297834 and http://www.mepis.org/node/3221), one of which provided the kludgey fix of pre-pending the good addresses via /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf to force duplicates of the good address to the top of the file, but that's just ugly.

I've sent this problem to Belkin, and their tech support responded that "The Belkin Router only provides a Gateway address but is not a DNS server" (http://www.belkin.com/contact/milan/default1.aspx?id=5B5B5956095F560D0D5C5F0E5B0A5D56305F5E).

They indicated that I should call them on the phone (I hate dealing with stuff over the phone...), but I wanted to get all my ducks in a row before I do so.

So my real question:

Is Debian somehow responsible for incorrectly seeing this "Gateway address" as a name server address (and if so, how do I fix it), or is the Belkin tech supporter incorrect about his product (or some other option)?



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