How can a FAX generated by a M$ product as a .FXO file be viewed.
Imagemagick, netpbm, and OpenOffice1.1 don't appear to handle it.


   Lance Heller                  |      ATD
   Software Engineer             |      11 eWall Street
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]            |      Mount Pleasant, SC
   voice: (834)789-2146          |      29464, USA
   fax:   (834)789-2010          |

047CF18A: 55F1 FF14 0620 1B7F A82E  B5F8 3C94 02F7 047C F18A
8B7C7901: 424F 17DB 5683 6A18 CDD6  6C65 5E1E 9F86 8B7C 7901
5F648A7E: 8B86 24FB 1CD9 C997 C2A3  9E5D 16BD 5F7F 5F64 8A7E

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