On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 09:43:12AM +0100, Richard Downer wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 00:11:11 +0200, Leif B. Kristensen wrote:
> > However, I wonder if there is any correspondence between a package name
> > such as it appears on say, CPAN, and the Debian package names?
> Most Perl packages in Debian are named based upon the CPAN package name.
> Some examples:
> DBD::Pg -> libdbd-pg-perl
> Digest::MD5 -> libdigest-md5-perl
> and so on.
> There are some exceptions, but in general for a CPAN package X::Y you can
> try "apt-get install libx-y-perl".

Yes, this is what you do.  If that doesn't work try apt-cache search
'name' to ensure that the package doesn't exist and then install it from

I do agree with the OP that the naming convention is far from obvious
and caused me a bit of stress for a while.

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