Hi Sam:


I am wanting to be able to use SSL on my current apache installation (version 1.3.26). However I was doing some reading on the web (and obtained feedback from the list on a previous email) and found quite a few ways to go about installing SSL support on apache. There is:


- mod_SSL

- Apache-SSL (a debian package)

- libapache-mod-ssl (another debian package)


and I can't decide which way to do it. I know that if I install mod_perl from http://www.modssl.org I'd have to do it all manually, however if I use the other 2 debian packages mentioned above apt-get would do most of the installing for me.


My other concern is that I already have apache running the way I want it. I installed PHP4 and it works fine and I configured a few other things as well and I dont want to ruin that current configuration. As well, I do all of my apache administering from webmin, so if I install SSL it would be nice to still be able to administer it all from webmin.


I posted a question on the user-debian mailing list but got really no solid sense of direction as to what I should do. I do want to be able to run my ssl server but at the same time it would also be nice to be able to run some parts of the website without SSL, I found this on the apache-ssl website


There are two ways to do this: run two server daemons, or run both services from the same daemon. Unless there is a good reason to run two (like using a different product for secure/non-secure), it's usually simplest to run a single daemon and disable SSL on those virtual hosts that don't need it. If you wish to run two daemons you must make sure that they each only try to bind to their allotted ports (normally port 80 for non-secure and 443 for secure). If you wish to run a single daemon, here's an example config file showing how you might do it.


what do you think is the best course of action here that I could follow so that I could still keep my current configuration, be able to run SSL, and still manage apache (with SSL) from webmin?

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