On 6/12/07, Chris Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to run the folloing in woody using cron so my cron

2,12,22,32,42,52 * * * * /path to macro

chgrp -R nogroup /usr/local/apache2/www/foodmanagementsystems.com/gary

I can not find a log.  The macro does not work via cron.  The macro runs
if I run it as root.

Can anyone help, please.

The command:

egrep ".{3} .{2} ..:.2:.." /var/log/syslog

does show you anything imoprtant?

you can also see if the script was used by "ls -lu /path/to/macro".

Atentamente, yo <Matías>
Y sin fumar desde (casi) el '1089515700'
Let one walk alone, commit no sin,
with few wishes, like an elephant in the forest

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