Benedict Verheyen wrote:

> Felipe Sateler schreef:
>> Benedict Verheyen wrote:
>>> Is it possible to have an UML server that houses the home directories
>>> and makes them available for the UML servers that handle email and thus
>>> save emails in those share home directories?
>> Maybe mount-bind the direcotries?
>> mount --bind /orig/dir /dest/dir
> Indeed, that's a possibility but that would mean that the "real" home
> directory should already be avaible for that uml.
> I would still need a means to expose the home directories to the
> different uml servers.

Then mount-bind them as many times you need. Note that the mounts need to be
done outside the uml servers, since you need to reach the original
For example, suppose you have the following structure:
Then, to mount the local home directories to the uml dirs you would do:
mount --bind /home/user /srv/uml1/home/user
mount --bind /home/user /srv/uml2/home/user

> Regards,
> Benedict


  Felipe Sateler

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