> Now I have only one thing left to do: consider this a bug; a show-stopper for 
> me, since I use the box to get movies on the TV-output for viewing on the TV 
> in the living room.
> I also removed the GLcore and speedo from the xorg.conf, so the problem 
> remains, while nvidia and glx are loaded properly (see attachment), before 
> everything dies.
> (No, there is no change of hardware compared to Sarge, on which everything 
> was okay; only the update to Etch.)
> As an aside: I tried the nvidia-legacy-check.sh, and it says my card is 
> supported by current. I have some doubts here, since NVIDIA says differently. 
> The card is GeForce 4 MX420.

The latter is my fault: There are now two legacy-drivers available, but the 
'current' one in Etch still supports my card. So I tried again, using the 
'normal' driver. This time it worked. 
Not quite, though, because the TV-out is still unavailable, due to another bug 
in here: #414782
And this time the Nvidia-installer won't help, because this time it is a bug in 
Debian's Xorg.

Altogether, the update Sarge->Etch - at least to me - closely resembles the 
step from XP->Vista.
Only, the RedMond people somehow know what crap they are doing; while in here 
I'm told by QA that Nvidia isn't in Etch, lpr is exotic (deprecated ?), and 
everyone else seems to migrate their xfce4-settings splendidly from Sarge to 
Etch. Exactly what you expect Quality Assurance to state. - Not !?

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