Nic James Ferrier wrote:

> [T]earing useful stuff out of packages because of a
> political decision without providing an automatic upgrade
> is stupid. It *will* lose you users.

   Watch out for loaded words.  The decision was indeed
``political'' in that it was put up to a vote, but
`politics' has negative connotations that I don't think
apply here.  Each person voting, whether pro or con, was
voting out of principle, not because they'd been bribed, or
because they'd been forced to follow the party line.  They
were deciding what the party line was to be.

   This is politics at its best, and has no connection to
the operations of the U.S. legislative or executive
branches, which is what the word `political' is loaded with.

   Indeed, better coordination in the transition (notably
pointing people toward the excised documents) would have
been a major improvement.  However, ``because of a political
decision'' sounds like something derogatory.  In what sense
do you mean for people to understand that phrase?

            Best wishes,

                 Max Hyre

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