On 2007-05-27, Russell L. Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The code runs in Emacs.  If I comment out the line
> "(transient-mark-mode -1)", it also runs in XEmacs.  But in both
> cases, it aborts with an "unbalanced parenthesis" error after finding
> about ten footnotes (about 25 percent of the file, which is 105 kbytes
> in length).  

I don't actually use footnotes, so I just randomly inserted some in my
thesis to test this. However, I think it should either work or not
work, rather than work for a while then quit. You will get an
unbalanced parenthesis error if you have a missing or extra
parenthesis in one of your footnotes - I'd check with the last one
that it catches, or the one immediately following it. The forward-list
function depends on properly closed parentheses for the group it's
matching, and all the groups it contains. Of course, this is my first
suggestion, since the only other explanation is that my code is not
perfect ;)

Another thing that will break my code as written is if you have a
space (or any character) between \footnote and {. 



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