On Wed, May 23, 2007 at 09:59:36PM -0700, Mark Phillips wrote: > On Wednesday 23 May 2007 20:59, Rob Sims wrote: > > How about the Wing? I'm reasonably happy with the predecessor, the MDA. > > You need to download Java if you need it (I did it to try an app, so I > > know it works).
> > I plan on trying the Wing soon. The manual is on-line under the support > > tab. According to the manual, Java is now built in. The only missing feature appears to be an IrDA port. Used it once. > I looked at the Wing, and it is very thick - really much to thick to carry on > a belt and even in a pants pocket. It is also very heavy. From a feature > standpoint, it is a super phone/pda. But, IMO, it fails as a portable phone. > Just too much to carry around all day. When I put it in my pocket in the > store 2 things happended - three sales guys started to follow me and I felt > as if I were listing to starboard as I walked around the store, it was so > heavy and bulky in my pocket...;-) I use the belt clip case that came with the MDA, which is even thicker than the Wing (1" vs 0.7"), and find it not to be an issue. I'm a big guy, though. Another point about phone usage is that without an earpiece, you can hit the screen with your cheek, though that hasn't been a real problem like it was on the iPaq 6315 (talk about bulky...) > I also think they took away the touch screen, but I may be wrong on that > point. I'm fairly sure it's still there. > They are available in T-mobile stores if you want to try one out. Let me know > what you think. Whatever you end up with, I can really recommend the Garmin GPS10. It includes software for Windows, Windows Mobile, and Palm. It does a great job of routing, and integrates with the address book. The GPS iself works fine with Linux. If you find something thinner, and not an iPhone, let us know. -- Rob
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