Am 2007-05-19 19:47:36, schrieb Mark Grieveson:
> The issue is that one of the residents will create hundreds of new
> "untitled folders" on the desktop.  Further, she'll mess around with
> the panels, the shortcuts on the desktops, and sometimes change the
> permissions on the home directory (ie, making the /home/guest directory
> inaccessible, making booting into that user on the computer impossible

How is this possibel?
You can not change the permission of ${HOME} if you are NOT root.

> until I'm there to change it back).  gdm is set up to automatically
> boot into the guest user, without requiring a password.  There is just
> the one user for everyone (and root for me, when necessary).

Write a script which is executed after logout.
This script should:

    1)  rm -rf /home/guest
    2)  tar -xzf home_guest.tar.gz

and you are done.  The archive home_guest.tar.gz should
be the configured /home/guest directory which will be
restored after each logout.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSN LinuxMichi
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