On Tue, 2007-05-22 at 18:56 +0300, Andrei Popescu wrote: 
> On Tue, May 22, 2007 at 07:24:40AM -0500, Owen Heisler wrote:
> > There doesn't seem to be a correct vga= parameter for 1280x960.
> I was suggesting 791 as it is still better then the default and you can 
> see something happening (I just hate it when I mess with options and I 
> see no change :))

Oh, I've been using vga=791 for a while now.  Just wondering if I can
get 1280x960 instead! :)

And yes, I agree: when I change something I'd really like to
see /something/, whether a change for the better, for the worse, or even
just some cryptic (or not) error.

> > I've tried video=nvidiafb:1280x960 and I seem to just get the default
> > resolution.  So I need a full framebuffer mode line, I guess.  In order
> > to figure out what I need to use, I need this information (as provided
> > by XFree86):
> > Modeline  "1280x960" DCF HR SH1 SH2 HFL VR SV1 SV2 VFL
> > see http://www.linux.com/howtos/Framebuffer-HOWTO-18.shtml (old)
> Did you include the nvidiafb module in your initrd? I run yaird and 
> don't know how to do this for initramfs-tools. If yes then you could 
> (again) try a resolution like 1024x768, just to see your changes are 
> going to the right place and then see how to get to the right 
> resolution.

I've never done anything with initrd stuff before, but I see
that /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf contains:

# MODULES: [ most | netboot | dep | list ]
# most - Add all framebuffer, acpi, filesystem, and harddrive drivers.

So I assume that nvidiafb is in there.
But when I look inside /boot/initrd* at
lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/video, I see only:
vga16fb.ko and vgastate.ko

So I add "nvidiafb" to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, run
"update-initramfs -u" (this is fun) and now "nvidia" is also listed.

Now I reboot and try "video=nvidiafb:1280x960" and
"video=nvidiafb:1024x768" and get something slightly worse than the
default with both.  Do I need more after "video="?

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