On Sun, May 20, 2007 at 02:06:52PM +0330, Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh wrote:
> Kevin Mark wrote:
> >On Thu, May 10, 2007 at 08:51:01PM +0200, Conny Kramer wrote:
> >>Hello,
> >>the new serverless Instant Chat Messenger Retroshare for Linux Release is 
> >>out. Every Chat it private and encrypted. It offers:
> ><snip>> 
> >>Can anyone put this into the debian distribution? 
> >If you or anyone wants to get this into Debian, you can create a debian
> >package and look for a sponsor in Debian. The easiest way is to contact
> >folks on the debian-mentors.net site. You can also see if anyone in
> >Debian wants to do it by making an RFP (request for packaging) bug
> >report in Debian. Consult google about 'rfp debian'.
> >=K
> I think that you are working for Ubuntu or same community!
> Format of Debian packages isn't just important.Debian Packages's
> "Stability-reliable-security" are important.If these packages want to
> port other debian packages same Knoppix or Ubuntu,We shall haven't above 3
> attributes.
> It's reason of don't porting to another deb format.
> Yours,Mohsen
If you are talking to me, then that is false. I want those 3 attributes.
If you are talking about Conny, then he still has to get approval from a
Debian sponsor who will make sure that junk doesn't go into debian.
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