Am 2007-05-11 10:48:06, schrieb Joe Hart:
> On the other hand, how can one pro actively stop a band of terrorists?


Where are the terrorists? 
Some of the 23 911-Terrosts are definitivly alive.

If they are alive, then they have nothing to do with 911 and now what?

You consider them as terrorists because they as Arabs?

> I don't know about you, but I would rather not be blown up by a suicide
> bomber, and I do know that it is impossible to stop someone from
> inflicting damage if they are intent in going down in flames.  Sure, one
> can minimize the damage, but there is damage nevertheless.

They where suicid bombers in Irak before the USA took over the power?

Please read the studies of the international Red Cross and the UNESCO.
The suicid bombers are 90% no terroists.  These mens and womens have
lost there families because the USA hav killed them amd now the SB
trying to defeat there country with methods they are available.

> What really fears me is that it is just a matter of time before one
> group of radicals gets access to WMD and I pray they don't send them my way.

Right, - and it is already to late.  The USA have over 46800 nuks/WMD's.

I pray for a real Nuke-Accident in the USA so they are wake up or fuck
them self.  I hope someone break into the american Nuklear-Defense-
Network and activate some nuks for self-destruction.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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