Dear Debian folks,

currently I have installed FreeBSD 6 and Ubuntu Breezy on my AMD 64 system. 
Everything worked fine, but I decided to upgrade my Ubuntu partition. Due to 
EOL of Breezy, the difficult upgrade method of Ubuntu amd-64, the fact that I 
am curious about Debian and I can't loose anything on my FreeBSD partition, I 
decided to install Debian Etch in stead of the Ubuntu partition.

However, as I want to make sure everything goes smooth here are some facts 
about the situation here and I hope you guys can give me a push in the right 

1) I'm using grub on Ubuntu to choose which OS to boot (I've edited some grub 
configuration files under /etc to let it recognize freebsd)
2) I already backed up most important files on my FreeBSD partition, but the be 
honest I hope the installation of debian goes so smooth that I won't need the 
hassle of restoring everything by hand.

The questions I have are:
1) Will I need to reinstall grub and edit it again to let it recognize FreeBSD? 
Or can I choose not to insall grub and will the old one from ubuntu just kick 
in and let me boot debian instead (I don't think it would be as easy as it 
2) What are the chances of everything going smooth? I want to know if there are 
risks because I really like the FreeBSD partition and I invested a lot of time 
to get it the way I want it.

Thanks in advanced

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