- These are *big*corps* with 1000s of users/customers. If it
  were a problem on their side I think they would have
  found and fixed it by now. Esp. since in one case the problem
  prevents logins.

This is a flawed argument.

They might not care about this problem. Can you use gmail? They might
care about FireFox. Others might not. Perhaps you should complain to them
or chech their FAQs to see what happens.

Also, in the first email, you ask a non-specific question. Please, ask
a more specific question so you can receive the help you need.

I am having problems with some web pages not working.
(Not working means just that. The details vary from page
to page.)

That should be:

 I am trying to log in in example.com using the lastest Firefox in Sarge,
 and I get this error: "XXX". I cannot login in example.org with a similar
 problem, but the message says: "YYY.". Has anybody else experienced
 this problem? How can I fix it?



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