Can anyone tell me if Gnome in Testing is anywhere
near usable? I'm using sid, but frankly I'm being distracted from doing real work: I find both the Mozilla Navigator and Mozilla ThunderBird browsers pretty well unusable, & I'm having a hard time getting real work done--I think stepping back to Mozilla 1.0.0 would be a major improvement, I'm sorry to say. I'd even step down to Woody if I had to, except that Perl 5.8.0 and MySQL 4.0.13 are important to me. The unofficial backports have sucked for me (especially with Mozilla), taking that route doesn't appeal. |
- Re: Gnome2 in Testing Christopher L. Everett
- Re: Gnome2 in Testing Michael Heironimus
- Re: Gnome2 in Testing Colin Watson
- Re: Gnome2 in Testing user list
- Re: Gnome2 in Testing Colin Watson