On Fri, 2007-05-04 at 16:46 +0530, Deboo ^ wrote:
> On 5/4/07, Andrei Popescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, May 04, 2007 at 09:39:57AM +0530, Deboo ^ wrote:
> >
> > > Is there an option I can make a "boot CD" like the boot floppy option
> > > present in RedHat/Fedora systems towards the end of installation?
> >
> > You can use the netinst CD as a rescue disk. Just boot with option
> > 'rescue' or 'rescuegui'.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Andrei
> Well I want a substitute for the "boot floppy" that used to boot the
> system in the days gone by. Even a 1.44 MB floppy was able to boot a
> normal debian system .... I think I did it once on a potato 2.2 system
> and it would happily boot off the floppy in to the normal debian and
> even X worked well.
> Is that not possible with the netinstall? Where's that boot floppy option now?

Boot floppies are not really "doable" anymore. Take a look at the size
of the kernel and the size of the initrd. On my system the 2.6.18-4
kernel and initrd image are:

        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -sh /boot | grep 2.6.18
         71K config-2.6.18-4-k7
        5.8M initrd.img-2.6.18-4-k7
        710K System.map-2.6.18-4-k7
        1.3M vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-k7

That precludes making a boot floppy, unless you make one for you machine
without any loadable modules. Then the kernel will "just" fit unless
comiled in options inflate it even more.

Your best best now a day, would be to make a bootable CD (yes, I know
ironic) that works like the floppies of old.

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