Michael M. wrote:
On Sat, 2007-04-28 at 18:13 +0100, somethin2cool wrote:
Amy Templeton wrote:
somethin2cool wrote:
Well, If I type "lynx" into <little-command-bar> I expect
it to launch lynx. ie, launch a terminal with command
xterm -e lynx


Well, can't it just know that Lynx is installed and run it in a terminal? It can't run anywhere else, so one would think this would be the default action. And it should be possible

Can't you just alias the command as above, so that when you execute
'lynx' it launches 'xterm -e lynx'?

Do you have more than one terminal app installed?  How would it know
which terminal you want to use for any particular command?  Or which
profile you want to use, if you have more than one?  Some things I like
to run in a borderless, (pseudo-)transparent gnome-termimal; some things
in an xterm; some things in a regular gnome-terminal (default profile;
i.e., what starts when I just click on the terminal icon on my panel or
select "Terminal" from the Gnome Applications menu).  You have to set up
your preferences.

that is a good idea. however, i have another thread about making a symlink, but all the responses involve real 1980s command solutions. which, while fully capable of doing, i refuse to. when my friends see this, they will laugh at a system which requires you to open a terminal just to make a link (and rightly so). It takes longer to open a terminal than it takes to right click

I'm sure the responses will be "this is linux, if you don't like it use windows' and 'its free what do you expect' and 'linux is all about terminal' ...these excuses just don't get old. It's 2007

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