Thank you for this information! Maybe it would be time for me to finally start 
using GNOME? Or does it have similar leaks?


----- Original Message ----
From: Mathias Brodala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 7:45:01 AM
Subject: Re: Xfce eating memory?

Hi Land.

Land Haj, 28.04.2007 14:37:
> I'm using debian etch, and have noticed that the processes
> 9376 landhaj  15   0  514m 498m 9.9m S    0 15.2  11:53.10 xfdesktop
> 9390 landhaj  15   0  499m 492m 6928 S    0 15.0  10:03.07 xfce4-menu-plug
> seem to eat a lot of memory.

These are known memory leaks in xfdesktop[0] and xfce4-menu-plugin[1]. There is
not much you can do about it; I for myself periodically kill xfdesktop and
restart it to free some memory.

Regards, Mathias



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