On Mon, Apr 23, 2007 at 05:24:35AM +0200, Rico Secada wrote:
> Hi.
> At work we have a bunch of NFS servers. The servers provide the home
> directories for all the employees client machines. 
> Most of the employees mount their home dirs manually, but some are
> mounted using scripts. Employee John knows he belongs to NFS server 1,
> and emplyoee Britney knows she belongs to NFS server 3 and so on.
> Now due to new conditions I have to set up a new system from which ALL
> employees are able to mount their home directories from their homes
> (where they live). 

Sounds like you really need more than just NFS-export-to-home sort of
thing... What about other things on the network? (email, internal
servers via ssh, you-name-it)  Would they need access to that too, as if
they were in the office?

If so, then a VPN might suit you. I'd recommend openvpn ...

> Since I only have one IP address at my disposal, I need to set up some
> kind of union system in which all home directories apear as they live
> on just one server. Besides that I have to figure out what kind of
> security I need to use. I have been thinking about AFS, and also NFS
> tunneled via OpenSSH.
> About the union thing I first thought of somehow union mouting all the
> different home directories on a single machine which then serves as
> the access point, but I am affraid if that particular machine crashes,
> then no one can get to their files. 

If you set up a VPN (and the relevant routing etc), then they should be
able to mount the drives as they normally do in the office...

Hope this helps
Karl E. Jorgensen
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.jorgensen.org.uk/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://karl.jorgensen.com
==== Today's fortune:
To give happiness is to deserve happiness.

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