Hi, as I  postted an email last time about the problem I got with xfree86
configure. Since I also need to upgrade my kernel 2.2 to 2.4. So I decided
might as well reinstall the system to try my luck.This time I came across
the problem of starx.
The media I was using still is the official CD set of 7 Debian 3.0 Woody. I
used bf24 boot method to install in order to get kernel2.4, which will be
needed to install Oracle9i in the next step.
My harddrive is seagate 40G. and I partitioned it as
/        5G
swap    1.5G
/usr    13G
/usr/local    8G
/var        5G
/tmp    6.5G

I accepted most of default settings during installation process. While using
tasksel, I almost chosed all the options.
and then it seems everything went fine, and system asked me to login , I
login in as user: Jennifer. then I su root
, then I use command to test X " startx", but I could not start X, rather I
get the error message. Please see the attached file for details.

I reckon my X server setting is not right, but I do not know what's wrong.
By the way, my Monitor is:
MAGVIEW 17" EF-772NSG(0.27DPI)
and my VGA card is

I do not know what to do now, though I reinstalled three times already. I
really need your precious advice and help

Thanks very much for your time and help

Attachment: XFREE86.0
Description: Binary data

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