On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 08:28:56PM -0400, Neal Lippman wrote:
> A drawback to cyrus is that, last time I checked, both stable and
> testing included only an older version of cyrus; the most recent (2.x)
> series is only in unstable. 

There's an unofficial backport to woody.  Don't let the word
"unofficial" scare you: it's by the same guy that produces the official
packages.  So the quality is all there.

I second the vote for cyrus, except that it's likely to be overkill for
most peoples' needs.  If you're not hosting mail for hundreds of users,
you'll never see cyrus at its best.  It's a very fast and powerful
server, capable of scaling across machines to be basically about as big
as you need it to be.  It can handle light loads just fine, but courier
may be easier to figure out if you don't have any experience with either
of them.


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