On 4/20/07, Roberto C. Sánchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, Apr 20, 2007 at 12:47:20PM +0300, Nick Demou wrote:
> [...]
> Any other idea of simple measures that will keep as many attackers
> away from the one and only service that is listening to the Internet?
Well, if which outbound ports are available is a real concern, then
consider the following:

 - rate-limit new ssh connections (I use this)
[this] will keep your logs from getting cluttered (and will also slow
attackers down greatly so that they take longer to get to other people's

do you mean to configure iptables in order to limit cons/min?
what rules do you use? any pointer to the web?

 - force key-only authentication
[this] makes it impossible for a dictionary attack to
ever succeed.

That one I can't do in some cases because I'll lose the ability to
connect from some random PC. I rarely need this but when I do  I need
it badly :)

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