Am 2007-04-05 16:55:57, schrieb zfh:
> Its too bad that you never read the documents you
> site.  Look at the document on treatment of prisoners
> of war.  The terrorists you seem in sympathy with (see
> the first line you wrote in the previous response)
> make not atempt to qualify under aritcle 4.  Under the
> terms of the convention it doesn't apply to them.  In
> the present circumstances, the US is being extremely
> civil with the terrorist, better treatment than
> americans and British get around the world even though
> our armed forces do quaify under article 4 and our
> civilians are clearly civilians.  Where do kidnapings,
> hostage taking, and beheading figure into the
> conventions?  International terrorism is not solvable
> in the short term, but granting legal protections to
> to terrorist that under existing teaty don't deserve
> them is the worst possible strategy.    

So you think, the kidnaping of 17 german and 8 french cizizen and
threeting as terrorists (7 of them are in Guantanamo) without any
judgement since over 3 years is "extremely civil" ???

The actions of the USA ARE TERRORISM to demoraliser the arabic
comunity and specialy the islamic one.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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