On Mon, Apr 09, 2007 at 11:12:09PM -0500, Randy Patterson wrote:
> On Monday 09 April 2007 21:36, Alejandro Barcena Campos wrote:
> > Randy Patterson wrote:
> > > Can the new Debian installer be used to
> > > resize the existing Windows partition?
> >
> > Yes, it takes a while though
> >
> I know that there is never any guarantees but is the process considered 
> pretty 
> reliable? Will it generally get the partition resized without rendering 
> Windoze unbootable? [Home PC that my wife uses for email!! :-)]

I've done it four times with great results. I recommend the following,
though none of it is required, AFAIK.

1. do a windows side purge of un-needed crap (programs, files,
   un-needed backups etc). This means there's less stuff for the
   partitioner to have to move around. 

2. turn off swapping in windows so you don't have to mess with moving
   the page-file. I think this needs a reboot (what doesn't!) to take
   full effect). 

3. do a full de-frag. 

4. run scandisk. 

It takes a while, but I have had no problems. 

oh. of course, back-up critical stuff :)


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