Ih *.

Am 2007-03-16 13:11:04, schrieb Jonathan Wilson:
> alsaconf, printconf, installation scripts for the OS, etc.  We'll have to "do 
> it by hand."  Perhaps, in the future, the brand spanking new Debian will 
> start to look remarkably similar to Buzz, Rex, or Bo.
> I think it's crazy.


Deboian will be the ONLY GNU/Linux distribution where
you can learn the REAL GNU/Linux.  All other peoples
will be degenerated like W... Users.

Debian, - Where Mens are Mens, And Women are LinuxChix!  :-)

> What does everyone expect newbies to use to change the config?

Some of those Kicki-Bunti-Distributions?  :-P

> Its one thing to edit the files by hand if you are only changing from one 
> static IP address to another.

And why do you do no do it? - The OP was talking about RECONFIGURING!

> It's completely different if you are adding a new PCI card, switching from 
> static to DHCP or back.


    iface eth0 inet static


    iface eth0 inet dhcp

Where is the problem?
You can find tonns of descriptions for it
in the HOWTO's provided by Debian!!!

> In fact, what's been frustrating me about it is, I use static IPs on my 
> network, but during the initial install the installer is latching onto our 
> DHCP server, without even /asking/ me if I want to use DHCP - it's just 
> assuming I do (I don't, but I run DHCP for portable devices and other 
> temporary situations).

MOST USERS in the Western world HAVE ADSL and use DHCP.
So it is the default.  Other OS's use DHCP as default too.

> Then as soon as the install is done I have to go switch the configs from DHCP 
> to static. The situation with the installer not asking what network method I 
> want to use is a little irritating all on it's own, and more so given that 
> there's no quick interface to use after the install to fix the problem.

This is not neccesary, since you can use static IP immediatly
without reconfiguring which I do nearly daily.

> It's one thing for myself to do it (I can use vi and emacs) but sometimes I 
> help other people who are less skilled to installs - sometimes over the phone 
> - and it's makes me crazy to have to explain to them "ok, now type 
> vi /etc/network/interfaces . . . yes, I said interfaces . . . use your tab 

"nano" is the default for Debian which MUCH easier for users!

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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