Am 2007-03-18 21:24:23, schrieb Roberto C. Sánchez:
> Sorry.  Geneva conventions applies to lawful combatants.  Now, if any
> coalition troops have committed crimes in violation of the Geneva
> conventions, then yes they need to prosecuted.  Now, the terrorists are
> afforded no such protection under the Geneva Conventions.  In fact, they
> don't even have to be taken prisoner.  They can simply be shot on sight.
> It is the grace of the US government that efforts are made to capture
> and detain rather than just kill outright.

Which terrorists?

The USA have attacked a country and now some of there population try
to fight against the US-Terrosim and Occupation and a USA-choosen GOV.

If I get y bunch of soldiers and go to the USA, since I am fighting
against international Terrorism by the USA and you try to defeat your
country I can kill you freely since you are a terrorist...


Hey, your name tell me you are not a "real" US-American...
Are you origin Mexican? - Most (percentage) US-Combatants are Mexican...

They are killing Irakies for a US-Green-Card...

> As far as Sharia, why should the US subject its military forces to the
> laws of Islam, when it doesn't even subject them to the laws of
> Christianity?

Do you want to force Muslims to be Christians?
Oh yes, you do it already...
Over 7800 Mosques destructed by the US-Forces in Irak.
Igmams killed by PMC's and Black Commands...

The Internet is full of them... Including videos and pictures.

(I have over 4 TByte collected of them. - Warcrime over Warcrime)

> I have, personally, forgiven OBL.  However, that does not absolve the
> government of protecting its people.

Oh yes, by killing 1.3 Million Irakien peoples not involved!

> I see, so you are an anti-Semite.  The fact is that the Jews were there
> long before the Muslims.

This is false...  Go back to school!

> Clearly, you are naive, so I will explain something to you.  The Muslims
> will not be satisfied until the Jews have been *exterminated*.  Not
> relocated, but exterminated.  The same with Christians.  Remember that

This is YOUR opinion!

Why thre are 38 Synagoges in Iran?
Why there are wide over 100000 Jews in Iran?
Why do they have NO problems with Iran?

> the Muslims have three options when dealing with infidels:
>  1. enslave them

This would be the best solution...
Jews have technology which can be used to reconstruct Palestine/Filistia.

>  2. convert them

They would prefer to die!

>  3. kill them

Not realy good for the international opinion...

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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