On Mon, Mar 26, 2007 at 09:45:58AM +0000, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Mar 2007 02:28:24 -0400, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote in
> > You keep claiming this, but have not provided evidence.
> ..I have provided ample pointers for anything but neocon shills and war 
> criminals, if you want further Court Martial Defense advice, get a lawyer.
You see, when I point out that you have not (and clearly cannot) provide
evidence, you respond with an ad hominem attack.  Your position is quite

> > Right.  I imagine that they would get hang you as well for constantly
> > imaging things that are not there?
> ..only if _I_ commit a war crime.  Or is this a threat on my life for 
> aguing against Sissy Boy George's theory? 
No. No personal threat there.  I was simply pointing that if I can be
held liable, as you claim, then so can you.  :-)

> > Umm, considering that he was an Iraqi citizen, was tried by the Iraqis
> > by a tribunal under the authority of Iraq's constitution, I'd say it was
> > by the book.
> ..then you're a neocon shill promoting war crime.  If you are an USAF 
> serviceman or officer, you just incriminated yourself.
Another ad hominem attack.  Where's your real argument?  Don't have one?

> >> 
> > Really?  And what competent legal authority says that he was a POW?
> ..Sissy Boy George himself, on the same day Saddam was dug out of that 
> hole.
Right.  I am not disputing that.  However, once the Iraqis *elected*
their new government and instituted their new constitution, he became
the legal responsbility of Iraq.  Or do you deny that the Iraqis elected
a government and instituted a constitution?

> > Again.  Who makes the determination that he was a POW?
> ..your Supreme Commander accepting him as POW the same day Saddam was dug 
> out of that hole.

> > This was the page from the News link:
> > http://www.icrc.org/web/eng/siteeng0.nsf/iwpList2/News?OpenDocument
> > 
> > Looking at news items back to the beginning of 2006, here is what I
> > found related to Iraq and Afghanistan:
> > 
> >  * condemnation of sectarian violence
> >  * appeals for respect of humanitarian law * appeals for relief of
> >  kidnapped aid workers (these workers were
> >    kidnapped by insurgents)
> >  * announcements of aid rendered with respect to food, water, etc
> > 
> > Nothing about the GCs specifically, nothing calling out the US, the UK
> > or any other coalition partner, nothing at all really.  The only thing
> > related to Guantanamo is how the RC is facilitating contact for family
> > members of detainees.  So, where is the evidence of the rampant war
> > crimes being committed?
> ..are you trying to tell us you cannot find the 4 Geneva Conventions?
> Try again.
Why don't you provide an actual reference instead of making me hunt for
something that apparently only exists in your imagination?

> > Nothing:
> > 
> > bible: Debian/BRS Release 4.18, $Date: 2005/01/23 11:29:22 $ Hit '?' for
> > help.
> > 
> > Genesis 1
> > 
> >   1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
> > bible(KJV) [Gen1:1]> ??prisoner
> >   Searching for 'prisoner'... [13 refs]
> > bible(KJV) [Gen1:1]> ?and war
> >   Searching for 'war'... [220 refs]
> >   [0 refs in combined list]
> > bible(KJV) [Gen1:1]> ??prisoners
> >   Searching for 'prisoners'... [21 refs]
> > bible(KJV) [Gen1:1]> ?and war
> >   Searching for 'war'... [220 refs]
> >   [0 refs in combined list]
> > bible(KJV) [Gen1:1]>
> > 
> > Anything else?
> ..try the _whole_ bible, I see only Genesis searched here.
I *did*.  The way the bible-kjv package works is that it defaults to
searching the *whole* bible unless you restrict to a smaller section.

> ..I forgot to mention that ability also obliges us to stop when they have 
> been defeated, "stopping too late" is a war crime, and topping too soon 
> like Sissy Boy George's "Mission Accomplished!" probably treason.
Umm, the mission was to topple Saddam Hussein.  That mission *was*
accomplished early on.  They people who want to stop before the job is
done are the *Democrats*.  You know, your liberal buddies.

> > Huh?  Let's see, you want to remove the Jews from their homeland,
> ..not their, and yes, Jews too need to be welcome somewhere, both Norway 
> and the US are better places for Jews than make them steal Palestine.
What part of "they were rightfully there first" don't you get?

> > Umm, because the problem I have is with islamic *extremists*? Seriously,
> > there are millions of peace-loving muslims out there.  They are content
> > to live their lives, worship as they choose, leave everyone alone and be
> > left alone themselves.
> ..yeah, except that's not good enough if they have oil or live in the 
> Middle East.
> > Your claiming that my sentiments make me anti-Semitic
> ..yes.  "Pro Jew" is not good enough to evade it, Arabs too are Semites.
Right.  Except that I don't have a problem with all Arabs, only the
extremists.  That is like saying someone who has a problem with or is
against the Black Panthers is racist against blacks.  It is an overly
broad generalization.

> > would be like me claiming that your vitriolic hatred of US military
> > personnel means that you hate every American. 
> ..I hate?  I argue against war crime, and for the full application of the 
> full 4 Geneva Conventions.  That pits me against Bush, Cheney, Olmert, 
> not against Americans or Jews.  
> Many Jews and Americans are war criminals.  Some Norwegians too are.
You argue for the GCs (to the exclusion of other legitimate legal
authorities) because it suits you and your position.  You are a classic

> > Clearly, you hate lots of Americans, but you likely love your liberal 
> > buddies like the Clintons, Pelosi and so on.
> ..bull, and you know it.  Fun thing is, _all_ RL Americans I meet hate 
> the neocons ruling the US.
You must meet very few Americans.  Because the funny thing is that
around half of Americans *like* them for some reason or another.
Remember, Bush was reelected.  The Senate only carries a 1 seat majority
for the Democrats and the House only around 30 seats, or 6%, majority for
the Democrats.  So, yes, *every* American just *hates* the Republican
neo-cons.  You clearly know what's going on.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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