On Fri, Mar 23, 2007 at 09:53:57AM -0700, Freddy Freeloader wrote:
> >  
> Not my choice.  I'm setting this up for someone else who has hard-coded 
> sendmail into his apps and is afraid that using exim4 instead of 
> sendmail will break them.  I tried to get him to use exim4 but he wasn't 
> about to change his mind.
Are you aware that because of this (people hard coding to sendmail) that
both Exim and Postfix provide a /usr/sbin/sendmail (or was is
/usr/lib/sendmail) binary that is perfectly compatible (at the
command-line option level) with sendmail?

I have used apps that were hard coded to use sendmail with postfix over
the past few years and never once encountered a problem.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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