On Thu, Mar 22, 2007 at 05:37:00PM -0700, Michael M. wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-03-22 at 06:34 -0400, Michael Pobega wrote:
<ubuntu vs debian comparison>
> All that is to say that Ubuntu serves a purpose, and it's a valuable
> one, IMO.  It's not for everybody; nor is Debian, nor any other distro
> in particular.  Ubuntu at least provides an experience quite similar to
> Debian while doing things that Debian stubbornly refuses to do, like
> sticking to a schedule.  On that score, I agree 100% with Ian Murdoch --
> Debian is missing a big opportunity.
There are reasons to use ubuntu and debian. Ubuntu:
is focused on desktop user
has a more limited 'main' repo (about 1000 apps)
[I'd be curious if the folks who have problems stick with 'supported'
and since they have fewer apps to support and fewer archs, can manange
to do 6 mo releases.

Debian OTOH has 12 archs and supports many times more programs in the
main repo and is aiming to get 24/7 server support where upgrade
problems are not an option.

As for 'compatibility', one main reason for these issue: library
differences. If some app is 2.3 on ubuntu and 2.4 on debian, 90% of the
time they wont work and with out-of-sync releases, this is going to
happen.  Debian includes desktop users but is not focused on them. But
recently there was some interest in a 'desktop' group in debian to focus
on this for lenny.
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