On Thu, Mar 22, 2007 at 10:49:37AM +0100, googan wrote:
> Having read all of the above I feel rather foolish to have accepted this 
> limited access email to be true... So, whithout following links I went to 
> the UK version of paypal and logged in as normal... only to face a page 
> that told me that my account had indeed had limited access and that I had 
> to go to the resolution centre and fill out some security details... as I 
> had logged into my account i thout this must be the case.... so i followed 
> the link and it took me to a page where it was requesting bank info and 
> credit card info... then the penny dropped.... so now i find myself here 
> after contacting paypal... they said it was a soof/phishing email, but 
> still when i log onto paypal through no link, but typing it in mysef and 
> logging on i still get this limited access page..??? now, Has my system 
> been infected or even my account??? your thoughts please

Your DNS may have been hijacked.  There are many ways to do this; the
current fad is to alter your firewall/access point settings to point to
the attacker's DNS servers.  Check what DNS servers your router is

If that's not it, more information is required:  what OS are you
running, what browser are you using, what exact URL you typed, etc.

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