On Mon, Mar 19, 2007 at 09:33:32AM -0500, Kent West wrote:
> Paul Johnson wrote:
> >Heh, Texans (and for that matter, most of the desert southwest and
> >California) crack me up in thinking that they get weather more than 30 days
> >out of any given year...
> >  
Hmm.  When I lived in Texas I am pretty sure that we had weather every
day of the year.  They have even had weather when I have gone back to
visit family.

> True. So very true. The many long months of uninterrupted 
> precipitation-less heat is the one thing I dislike about living in the 
> Lone Star state. (It's still officially winter, and here it was 80 
> yesterday (83 expected today) (which, of course, is nothing compared to 

Boy, do I miss Texas!

> some parts of the world; still...).) I reckon if I wanted moisture I 
> could move to the east side, but then I'd have to put up with humid, 
> muggy heat. I've often longed for a NorthWestern climate here in Texas.
Precipitation and moisture are for wimps :-)


Roberto C. Sánchez

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