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Ron Johnson wrote:
> On 03/18/07 12:57, Joe Hart wrote:
>> Ron Johnson wrote:
>>> On 03/18/07 10:53, Tomasz Kaýmierczak wrote: [snip]
>>>> Joe. I'm aware of the new version and I think the 9476 will
>>>> be ok for me. Besides I'm tired of reinstallng the drivers
>>>> using the nvidia-installer every time I update my kernel or
>>>> mesa libs (eg. when I update mesa development packages, which
>>>> are required by other dev packages, I must reinstall the 
>>>> nvidia drivers)... Florian - thanks for help!
>>> When you upgrade mesa, no need to reinstall the nvidia driver!
>>> Just go to /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions and # ln -sf
>>> libglx.so.1.0.NNNN libglx.so
>>>> Tomek
>> Thanks for the tip Ron.  I'll remember that.
>> Tomasz, sorry I was wrong if Ron is right.  Ignore my last
>> message.
> You were half right!  Still have to reinstall the driver at each
> kernel upgrade.  But I keep my home-rolled kernel for 2-3 months.
> (And longer if I hadn't the other day installed vanilla
> instead of staying at linux-source-2.6.18.)

Ah, so I'm not such a newbie after all.  I have experienced the problem
since my Kubuntu days because on this machine I need the nvidia driver
as I have explained before.  I didn't know about the hack of linking the
 .so file.

I have applied a hack in the past.  In the Dapper days, KDE 3.5.3 had a
broken screensaver.  I waited more than a month for the developers to
fix it and they didn't.  I got impatient and compiled kdesktop from the
KDE cvs and replaced kdesktop.so.  It worked fine on my and several
other people's system but apparently potentially caused problems with
upgrades.   I was chastised by one of the ubuntu developers for putting
that "fix" in their forum.  The messages are still there.

Personally, I like problems, because that's how I learn how the system
works, but I have time to spend fixing them, where some other people
have work to do and don't want to wrestle with problems.  They just want
a computer that works and does what they want it to do.

One must remember, experimental software is fun, but it has a tendency
to break, but when things are marked as stable, they usually are.

As for the issue at hand, how long does it take to reinstall?  I suppose
that depends on how fast your internet connection is.  The headers are
not small (ie:
Size: 276494)

I'm running as well, so it should be a while before I have to
do it.

But, I run Sidux now, and I have the du-fixes.sh script that will do it
for me.  That is one hell of a script.

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